
Business colleagues working and analyzing financial figures on a digital tablet

Analyses and evaluations made possible by service management software

In the area of service and maintenance work, the topic of KPIs and extensive evaluation options plays a decisive role. Thanks to the digital recording of all service-relevant data, analyses are now available at the touch of a button and can also be exported and processed in all possible formats. Manufacturers and service companies are interested, for example, in recognising as early as possible the reasons why objects and systems fail and the cause that most frequently leads to downtime. Numerous (strategic) measures can also be derived from the evaluation of working and travel times, which can lead to ongoing optimisation in the service business.

In this article, we would like to show you the various possibilities and advantages of analyses within field service management software.

Evaluation of service times

Using a service technician app, technicians are able to record all times digitally for specific jobs. Whether travelling time, set-up time, break time or working time, the specification of the time types can be freely determined and thus also the level of detail of the time evaluation. In the context of travel times, for example, it is easy to compare whether the employees have been optimally allocated according to the distance of the assignments or whether there is still a need for optimisation in this area - e.g. through optimised route planning. The time evaluation can also be used to analyse the target/actual utilisation of employees at the touch of a button - e.g. to avoid overtime.

Evaluation of error codes

In the area of asset management, the evaluation of malfunctions and error codes of the systems is a crucial component. Among other things, manufacturers and service companies can draw important insights from this in order to develop and maintain new models and types of equipment in such a way that corresponding error codes are prevented. At the same time, the evaluation of the fault codes can be combined with the above-mentioned time evaluation in order to be able to analyse operating times in detail with regard to faults or fault rectification.

Evaluation of customers

By categorising customers into areas or other groupings, corresponding analyses can also be generated. One use case is the categorisation of customers according to the number of deployments or service hours performed. A classic pie chart to visualise the distribution of territories is also possible within the service software.

Evaluation of assets

All objects stored in the maintenance software can be analysed according to stored working times, error codes, degree of utilisation and operating hours. As a distinction is made between the service types, it is possible to determine how maintenance-intensive or susceptible to repair an object is. This information is important for manufacturers and service providers, but also for customers. Future investments can be influenced by this data, and system downtimes can also be avoided and prevented.

Data export

All analyses can be output as CSV files via an export configurator. This allows users to utilise the raw data for their own analysis purposes and carry out any analyses for specific tasks.

Create your analyses with ADASMA for operational added value

Using the dashboard and extensive analysis area in ADASMA, you can easily carry out the analyses mentioned above. They are displayed in clear diagrams in the application and can be operated interactively by clicking on the respective graphics. We will be happy to show you all the possibilities - e.g. as part of a free webinar.