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How to improve your data quality during maintenance work with digital checklists and measurement logs

Many service objects develop into sophisticated assets or machines over the course of time. Due to increasingly complex sensor technology, online connections and extended areas of application, the requirements in service are becoming greater and the task of coordinating all relevant maintenance activities for the objects and their system components more and more complex. In the following article, you will learn how mobile order processing with checklists and forms can optimize your service.

Checklists and logs for documenting maintenance for mobile order processing

One component of maintenance is the completion of checklists to map the scope of maintenance. To ensure that no points are forgotten during maintenance, a processing sequence is defined here depending on the relevant maintenance interval. The service technician uses these lists to work through all the points step by step. However, these (paper) lists are usually rigid, not customized or contract-specific, so the Technician often has to decide which maintenance work should actually be carried out.

Maintenance logs, on the other hand, are used to record actual measured values such as operating pressure, temperatures, etc. These are often recorded several times at certain points during maintenance (e.g. at different load levels). Problems also arise here with paper-based recording. On the one hand, the input is often difficult to read, and on the other hand, there is no direct validation during recording. Lack of concentration quickly leads to incorrect entries and transposed numbers. Furthermore, it is difficult to declare measured values on paper, which means that important measurement fields are often left blank after the operation has been completed.

Increased data quality thanks to digital recording using the service technician app

Operation of appropriate maintenance software can minimize the potential for errors mentioned above. There are particular advantages in replacing paper-based checklists. With the help of software support, you can define the checkpoints to be carried out depending on the maintenance interval in question. Thanks to a stored maintenance date calculation, the software is able to suggest the correct interval to the Technician and limit the maintenance measures to be carried out based on this. This ensures that all necessary work is carried out in sequence and is not forgotten.

Filling out digital maintenance logs via a service technician app also offers enormous advantages compared to the paper counterpart. With regard to the validation of measured values, the app can be used, for example, to limits can be set for the measurement data to be entered. This means that an unrealistic temperature of 1000 °C cannot be entered in the report, as only values between -20 °C and +50 °C can be entered as permissible values. The freely adjustable limits minimize transposed numbers and incorrect entries, as the Technician app immediately indicates if the limit is exceeded or not reached.

Furthermore, the digital recording of checklists and logs has advantages in mobile order processing, even after maintenance has been completed. These can be evaluated and can serve the Technician as a reference point for analyzing possible causes of faults in the form of past measured value curves.

Do you still see plenty of room for optimization in your data quality?
Please contact us.


Operation of software to digitize your maintenance documentation offers significant advantages compared to conventional documentation. With specially configurable logs and checklists, all important maintenance data for the asset is recorded digitally and can be called up at any time. This avoids transmission errors and reduces time-consuming queries, as everything has been recorded in a structured and visible manner.

We would be happy to explain further advantages of specialized maintenance software for your service process. Simply give us a call or arrange a non-binding webinar appointment.