
worker taking note using pen and paper with new young engineer using computer tablet for work faster and more efficiency.

Paper vs. software: the advantages of digitizing your service processes

Many companies in the service industry will still be dealing with unproductive paperwork in their daily maintenance and service business in 2024. However, a large number of software solutions are now available to drive forward the digitalization of work processes in this area. In this article, we explain the advantages of the functions integrated into these software solutions - in particular digital Operational planning and paperless order processing.

The status quo: workflows in service companies without a suitable software solution

In service companies without a corresponding software solution, the processes are often fraught with the same problems. The customer calls the company and describes their concern, at the same time the problem is recorded in writing with key points on a notepad or similar. If the customer now calls a second time and speaks to another employee, the information is noted down twice and the request may be processed twice as the second employee cannot centrally view the first employee's existing customer contact.

As soon as the order has been finalized, an available Technician must be found, which is usually done using a (specially constructed) Excel list. As the processing status of existing orders cannot be viewed in real time, this often leads to incorrect planning processes. Once the job has been assigned to the appropriate Technician, the latter needs all the relevant information about the operation as part of optimum preparation. This often results in additional manual work for the office staff, as they usually have to search for past service reports, maintenance plans etc. in hidden folders and make copies if necessary. During the operation, the Technician fills out his service report with pen and paper, takes photos with a camera and notes meter readings and measured values in analogue form.

After completing the operation, the Technician usually travels to the next assignment or goes straight home. As a result, the carbon copies of his reports often arrive at the head office with a delay. The operation data reported back is then usually typed up in a time-consuming process, transferred to the ERP system and then used to create the invoice.

The disadvantages without a software solution at a glance:

  • Work is carried out twice
  • Information is lost
  • Important customer information is transmitted incorrectly and does not reach the right employee
  • Evaluation of service reports and measurement data not possible or only possible with difficulty
  • Reaction instead of action, there is usually no proactive service for the customer (maintenance reminder, automatic appointment confirmation, etc.)

The future: digitalization of service processes with the ADASMA maintenance software

Thanks to the extensive documentation in the ADASMA software, all necessary customer information and, in particular, Asset data such as operating hours, commissioning date, component data or specific maintenance intervals can be stored. All communication data and changes to the master data are stored in the ADASMA database, allowing every employee to view this information centrally.

Thanks to digital Operational planning, available Technicians can be quickly identified and assigned to the appropriate Operation.

Once the operation has been approved by the office staff, the service technician receives a notification on their mobile Technician App and can call up all information such as past service reports, last measured values or general master data on the customer objects.

Using property-specific maintenance plans and forms, the Technician works through all due work step by step and can also add to property master data with little effort and, for example, change the maintenance plan. Document pictures of nameplates.

The final paperless service report with the work carried out, time recording, material consumption and the customer's signature is generated via the app without the need for an active internet connection. As soon as the Technician has completed the operation on his mobile app, the data is synchronized directly and can be viewed by the office staff. The operation can now be checked and released for invoicing with little effort. Manual re-entry of billing-relevant data is no longer necessary, as the service technician has already entered his order completely digitally.

Once the operation has been completed, ADASMA monitors the next maintenance due for the object in question and reminds Operational planning of the correct maintenance type in good time based on object-specific intervals. This also enables the service provider to provide a proactive maintenance service to the maintenance customer without additional expense.

Advantages of workflows with ADASMA

  • Increased customer satisfaction through proactive service
  • Information available to all
  • Clean and complete documentation
  • Master data maintenance
  • Fast and uncomplicated Operational planning
  • Digital service report is easier to understand
  • Time saving, as there is no need to transfer paper to the system


Good and reliable customer service is becoming increasingly important in companies, making a software solution such as ADASMA that is geared towards this indispensable.

In summary, modern service software increases customer satisfaction, digitalizes internal service processes and improves mobile order processing immensely. Thanks to complete documentation that can be called up at any time, all important information can be accessed by all employees, minimizing search times and preventing duplication of work.

ADASMA offers you end-to-end Asset Management, digital real-time Operational planning, an offline-capable mobile app and many other benefits. Arrange a non-binding webinar appointment to find out more.